September is National Preparedness Month!

Children are the most vulnerable in emergency situations. That’s why Save the Children encourages everyone to act to better protect kids BEFORE disaster strikes.

For the final day of National Preparedness Month, a.k.a. “PrepareAthon", I recommend that everyone should make an ICE contact card for each child.

In Case of Emergency (ICE), would you be able to reunite quickly with your children?

By creating an ICE card, you can get the piece of mind that in case there is a disaster, you can find your love ones faster. You can make ICE contact cards for each child at Save the Children website.


Did you know:

Every day, 69 million U.S. children are separated from their families while they are at school or child care. After Hurricane Katrina there were more than 5,000 reports of missing children. It took 7 months to reunite the last child with her family. Check out this video of one such family.

Your child’s ICE card should include 3 emergency contacts -- including an out-of-town contact, because during emergencies, local communications are often down.

Make your ICE contact cards at Save the Children. It’s free and easy!  Fill out one form for your whole family online (Save the Children will not store your child’s info anywhere).  Print out the cards (you’ll get two copies for each child), cut and fold.  Put one copy in a luggage tag to keep inside your child’s bag.  Keep the other copy in your wallet.

Do the Prep Step!  Make emergency prep fun for the whole family.

Save the Children also created a fun song and dance called “The Prep Step” to help kids learn the 3 important prep steps every family should take.  Check it out!

By following these simple steps, you and your family can stay safe in the middle of a disaster:

Prep Step #1 = Make ICE cards for kids.

Prep Step #2 = Make an emergency plan and practice as a family.
Prep Step #3= Create a supplies checklist.

Once you create your cards, checklist, and emergency plan, share this with your friends and family so they can be prepared and safe in the time of a disaster!

Have you ever made an ICE card? Let me know how you first learned about ICE and how it changed your life. Share your stories so others can learn how to plan and stay safe!

#GetReadyGetSafe #PrepStep