Everyday I see it on the Internet, the news, on the street, and even with moms; shaming people by stereotyping. It's such a common practice anymore that it is practically a norm for everyone to do it and not even realize that they are doing it.
We, as a society, have come to accept that if someone does something different from us then there is something wrong with them but why is that? Why do we have to live a certain way and do things like everyone else to be accepted? As a mother, I do not like this way of thinking and I refuse to teach my daughter to treat people like this.

Take for example, if you have seen a person with all kinds of tattoos and piercing what would be your first reaction? Most people will try to walk away and not look at them because they were "taught" that this person is bad, a troublemaker, and probably on drugs. In fact, most people will not believe that this person could be a police officer, a lawyer, or even a doctor. Just because we, as a society, have been "taught" that if one person was a horrible person then everyone that resembles this person will be the same way.
Another example of shaming by stereotyping is people who do not work a "normal" 9-5 job is just "milking the welfare system and stealing from taxpayers." Many families have found that in today's society, it is cheaper to work from home than it is to have a 9-5 job and pay for daycare. First off, most companies do not have hours that work around your child's school schedule so you have to pay for expensive daycare that will take half of your check. Then, because of your crazy schedule, you do not get to spend time with your family and you will miss many important milestones in their lives.
For me, it is better to do odd jobs so that I can spend time with my daughter, but to most other people, I am just sitting on my butt and I'm surely taking advantage of taxpayers by being on welfare. News flash, I do not get any type of cash from the government and I also pay taxes every year. I do receive food stamps but it is not as much as you may think and since I am a taxpayer, I do not fall into your typical stereotype, but that doesn't stop people from publicly shaming me when they do not know anything about me.

Why is it that we are so interested in how others live and putting them down because they are doing something we do not agree with? The way I see it, if you are not physically hurting me or my family, I will like you for who you are and leave it at that. We are always putting people down for their choices and it really needs to stop! No one is better than the next person. We cry, bleed, sleep, eat, and breathe the same, so the way I see it, we have two options to fix this mess when it comes to stereotyping: ignore the way a person lives their life or we all need to live alone a island or a hole in the ground. If you have the time to shame someone else that has nothing to do with you and your life, then you have the time to put your own life under that same microscope. I am willing to bet that you will find some cracks in that glass house you live in that needs fixing!
We, as a society, have come to accept that if someone does something different from us then there is something wrong with them but why is that? Why do we have to live a certain way and do things like everyone else to be accepted? As a mother, I do not like this way of thinking and I refuse to teach my daughter to treat people like this.

Take for example, if you have seen a person with all kinds of tattoos and piercing what would be your first reaction? Most people will try to walk away and not look at them because they were "taught" that this person is bad, a troublemaker, and probably on drugs. In fact, most people will not believe that this person could be a police officer, a lawyer, or even a doctor. Just because we, as a society, have been "taught" that if one person was a horrible person then everyone that resembles this person will be the same way.
Another example of shaming by stereotyping is people who do not work a "normal" 9-5 job is just "milking the welfare system and stealing from taxpayers." Many families have found that in today's society, it is cheaper to work from home than it is to have a 9-5 job and pay for daycare. First off, most companies do not have hours that work around your child's school schedule so you have to pay for expensive daycare that will take half of your check. Then, because of your crazy schedule, you do not get to spend time with your family and you will miss many important milestones in their lives.

Why is it that we are so interested in how others live and putting them down because they are doing something we do not agree with? The way I see it, if you are not physically hurting me or my family, I will like you for who you are and leave it at that. We are always putting people down for their choices and it really needs to stop! No one is better than the next person. We cry, bleed, sleep, eat, and breathe the same, so the way I see it, we have two options to fix this mess when it comes to stereotyping: ignore the way a person lives their life or we all need to live alone a island or a hole in the ground. If you have the time to shame someone else that has nothing to do with you and your life, then you have the time to put your own life under that same microscope. I am willing to bet that you will find some cracks in that glass house you live in that needs fixing!
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